REVEALED.... How To Permanently Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction.

Erection Problems should be treated urgently without any further delay, If you don’t fix the root cause of this problem Now, it is only a matter of time before full blown ED sets in Leaving You In A Permanent And irreversible State As the Urologists Call It, “Sexual Death or Impotence.” Don’t let it get to this point, fix this problem now while you still can..

Get Full, Firm and Stronger Erection anytime you Desire and Long Lasting Performance, go upto 3Rounds Per Night and last upto 45Minutes Each.

Embarrassing isn’t it?

Every time you want to get your machine started it won’t start neither will you have an erection or even when you manage to get it started it so soft and never firm. so you are unable to make madam happy in the bedroom. After several attempt you finally get it started and it’s all over before it even began.  you’re suddenly ready to finish within minutes or even seconds… your body tenses, your breathing gets ragged… 

She looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and amusement… she says it’s ‘okay’, but deep down, she wishes you could last longer and give her the time of a life…

You know it, she knows it, and you can see it in her eyes. There’s nothing ‘okay’ about it.

So yeah, Not being able to perform well in the bedroom is embarrassing… It’s humiliating.

Below are reviews from men who were once battling this same problem

Mr. Musa
Mr. Musa
Ikeja, Lagos
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"Men Revive & Total Flusher has been a great product for me. I noticed a very significant improvement in my performance during intercourse with my partner. I now perform well on bed compare to before."
John Ekene
John Ekene
Eket, Akwa Ibom
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"I was skeptical at first when I saw the advert because of my past experience with online product that I bought and doesn't work. This is my 1 month plus of using this Men Revive and Total Flusher Herbal Tea. I'm now a King in the bedroom because I now get a strong erection that last long and my wife that was complaining about my inactiveness is now happier... I will surely recommend to my friends anytime anyway"
Ahmed Sani
Ahmed Sani
Kano, Kano State
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''This product works like magic! I first used the Total flusher and my problem of weak erection is solved. To be candid my performance on bed had improved massively. I now go 3 rounds with my manhood standing strong.''
Mr Ayo
Mr Ayo
Ibadan, Oyo State.
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''My erection is good now, at a glance of my wife backside, my machine stands strong. Am so happy, I wish I have seen this product earlier. Peace is restored in my house.”
Ike Paul
Ike Paul
Asaba, Delta State
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“I wish Have Seen This before Now'' Have bought many products online that doesn't work at all. That have even lost interest in online advertisement. But This Product works perfectly as advertised. It is just amazing.”
Mr Aliyu
Mr Aliyu
Minna, Niger State
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''This Is a Very Powerful Herbal Product and it works perfect, My erection is back. I could remember I threaten the delivery agent that If it didn't work i will surely pick him up because I'm a military personnel. But this is highly effective and have been recommending it to my friends in the barracks ''

Having to constantly look your partner in the eye after a lame performance can become a real romance killer.

And in a way, it’s even worse if you’re in a relationship.

It can be terrible, can’t it?

After a while, Weak Erection and quick ejaculation becomes more than just a problem in the bedroom..

Its tentacles can reach many aspects of your life… your mood, success with women, and pretty much everything else that revolves around your overall happiness in life and confidence as a man.

Not being able to meet this obligation can lead to problems in the relationship, like losing ones respect, losing self confidence and worst off, losing madam to another man.

I’d worry all the time that my woman would eventually cheat on me after all, if I couldn’t satisfy her, surely at some point she’d give up and look for someone who could?…

Well, unfortunately, that’s exactly what she did.

Looking back, those were horrible times… so I understand that you’re probably going through similar stuff right now.

So if you feel like you’re fed up and have had enough…

If you’re completely frustrated and embarrassed every time you have sex…

Men Revive and Total Flusher will put a permanent end to all your bedroom problem and help you get back the spark inside, no matter how long your machine have been battling with the problem or how severe it is or how many product you have tried in the past.


What defines a real man is not just the millions in his bank account, but also the ability to perform well in the inner room.

Not being able to meet this obligation can lead to problems in the relationship, like losing ones respect, losing self confidence and worst off, losing madam to another man.

This is why we have formulated this herbal product called Total Flusher Herbal Tea and Men Revive Herbal Tea to help put a permanent end to this issue and help oga get back the spark inside, no matter how long oga have been battling with this wahala or how severe it is or how many product you have tried in the past.

Whether you find it hard to get that early morning strong bamboo, or always have loss of appetite when its time to do or your little man sleep off during or before the match begins, this product is the perfect solution.

This Is Why You Must Act Immediately.

Erectile Dysfunction Can Become Dangerous If Left Untreated Or when Treated With The Wrong Products.

The longer you wait before solving this problem, the harder it will be to solve.

With Time, It Can Become Worse, Leaving You In A Permanent And Irreversible Impotency.”

Or What The Urologists Call “Sexual Death”

Its Tentacles Can Spread Into One’s Life Leading To Low Confidence, Embarrassment, And Feeling Less Of A Man.


It can destroy the happiness you have in your marriage, break your confidence and even break up your family.

I sincerely hope that your romantic relationship is still alive despite these erection problems.

And I hope you can salvage your relationship before it’s too late.

I advise you to act immediately.



At some point in a man’s life, he may have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Erection problems occur when you can’t achieve or maintain an erection that’s firm enough to have sexual intercourse

The complications that come with erection and premature ejaculation problems are significant and can affect your quality of life.


 I Discovered This Amazing Herbal Formula To Get Hard Erections Again.

After years of research, the end result was more than positive.

I had solved my erection problems naturally and permanently and I had regained great shape!

Today I Feel Manly, Confident, And Like A Real Man

And my woman has become more addicted to me and only me.

This product is so effective that you will have new sensations of pleasure and virility that you have not felt for years.

There Is No Reason Why A Treatment That Works For Over 95% Of People Won’t Work For You.
Even If Your Village People Has Sat On Your Matter It Will Work.

Moreover, with this solution, there is no expensive medical treatment, no injection, no pills, Everything is natural.

And you won’t find this information anywhere…

To understand how to solve your erection problems, it is imperative we know what are the causes of erection issues.

Contrary to what we have been told, here is the real cause of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction has nothing to do with our age..

Think about this.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers married as many wives as they want, with lots of children to show for it.

Some even married younger wives at age 70+ and still satisfied these younger women.

So what happened, what changed, and why is our case different.

The answer is “Lifestyle Change”

Let Me Explain


Medical treatments are multiplying among men and some are prescribed for life.

Often, our Doctor prescribes medication for blood pressure, depression, cholesterol, and the heart.

What you are not always told is that most of these treatments have the side effect of destroying libido and killing erections.


Your body is polluted with toxins all the time. Thousands of toxins are present in your body even now.

They come from water, food, and even the air around you.

When these substances build up in your body it causes inflammation in the body and in the muscles responsible for erection.

What We Consume.

Years of cigarettes, alcohol and drug intake leave traces that have quite significant consequences.

And above all, we consume food that is filled with sugar from fast foods, to soft drinks, to carbohydrate foods like rice, eba, fufu, semo etc.

Sugar destroys the body and it is one of the leading causes of erectile issues.


Years of cigarettes, alcohol and drug intake leave traces that have quite significant consequences.

And above all, we consume food that is filled with sugar from fast foods, to soft drinks, to carbohydrate foods like rice, eba, fufu, semo etc.

Sugar destroys the body and it is one of the leading causes of erectile issues.


Stress levels among men are higher than ever today.

Stress causes negative energy, disrupts sleep, and increases cortisol levels (a hormone that lowers testosterone and libido).

If you are stressed, you are at high risk of becoming impotent due to the secretion of the hormone cortisol.

Sexual Transmitted desease

This is one of the most common cause of ED.

More Reviews About What Our Customers Are Saying!

Alhaji Mustapha
Alhaji Mustapha
Kaduna, Kaduna State
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“This product is a game changer, just seeing my lady nakedness I would have spill the milk. But after using Men revive & Total Flusher. I can now go as much as 4 rounds before the day-breaks. This product really boost my libido. Highly recommended.”
Mr. Chidi
Mr. Chidi
PH, Rivers State
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"Works wonder! Now I last 3 rounds. I feel so great and confident ever than before, Thanks to Men Drive Herbal Tea. This is a highly effective cure for weak erection issues and it works perfectly to balance my sugar level"
Mr Ojo Adewale
Mr Ojo Adewale
Lekki, Lagos
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“This is Fantastic! I can now have erection anytime I want. I could remember the day the delivery agent brought this product. I bought another product as well, but to be candid this works Great. I have seen tremendous change after using the Men Revive and Total Flusher.”

Here’s The Good News…

This Product Is For Any Man, Regardless Of Age, Who Faces Or Thinks He Might Face Erectile Dysfunction, No Matter How Minor Or Severe.

It’s for any man who wants to reverse Erectile issues, last longer in bed, and please his partner more than ever…

It’s for any man who occasionally has trouble getting a rock-hard erection like he once did…

It’s for the man who feels like he’s tried everything…

It’s any man who wants to get back that sexual strong desire for his partner and the ability to act on it whenever he chooses!

It’s even for any man who’s doing okay now, and who just wants to make sure things stay that way – to give himself every advantage he can in the bedroom.

Amazing….. Listen To This

The human body is capable of healing itself, and of course, of curing your erection problems.

It can also recover on its own from any injury, damaged cell, a diseased organ, and damaged muscles.

All you need to do is to give the body what it needs to heal itself, and you will get back your erection very fast…

These Can Be Achieved In Two Ways…

One: Restore your “natural health” by cleansing your body from the inside.

We need to get rid of the toxins, chemicals, and infections, that prevent it from functioning properly so that your sexual organ will function properly again.

The truth is that it may be hard to get results from any erection product If the body is not first cleansed from all these radicals.

In the face of any disease, the immune system will immediately come alive and begins to fight against it.

Two: Boost your erection and increase the rate of blood flow to your penis using God-given natural plants and herbs.

This is herbal Remedy will give you Permanent  solution….

Introducing the Amazing Herbal Formular that Completely Get Rid of Weak Erection and Quick Ejaculation etc…..

The Men Revive and Total Flusher will put a permanent end to all your bedroom problem and help you get back the spark inside, no matter how long your machine have been battling with the problem or how severe it is or how many product you have tried in the past.

To Get A Perfect Result, We Need Both Total Flusher And Men Revive.

As we have said from the beginning, one of the reasons our erection fails is due to the build-up of chemicals, toxins, infections, and free radicals in our bodies.

As these chemicals and toxins build up in our body, they start causing inflammation to your erection tissues

When this happens, it becomes hard for blood to flow into your penis, and you can only get hard for a short time or you get semi-hard at best…

And as the inflammation worsens, the muscle’s condition worsens too, you fail to get erect and you become completely impotent.

This is where Total Flusher Comes In

One: Total Flusher Herbal Tea

“Total Flusher” Will Start By Eliminating All Toxins, Chemicals And Infection Out Of Your Body.

Total Flusher gets rid of the toxins, chemicals, and infections, that prevent it from functioning properly so that your sexual organ will function properly again.

After taking out all the toxins from your body, your body will become free and able to heal itself, and of course, of curing your erection problems from the root.

It will recover from injury, damaged cells, a diseased organ, and damaged muscles and boost your immune system

Here’s A Summary Of Some Benefits Of Inlife Flusher

1. Helps the body remove toxins byproducts and chemicals so that the body can be free to heal itself fast.

2. Reduces sugar in the body (good for diabetic patience)

Flushes out all forms of infection from men and women.

Eliminates waste pain.

3. Gives you a stronger erection.

4. Helps with constipation and free bowel movement.

Improves your overall health.

5. Helps with proper blood flow around the body

6.Boost the immune system

Two: Total Flusher Herbal Tea

Men Revive will reverse all your Erectile Issues.

The Men Revive Herbal Tea is made from over 10 herbs, these herbs include Cnestis ferruginea, Epimedium, and many other herbs.

Each and every ingredient in this product is designed to work inside your system to seek out and pinpoint where your body is lacking in vital chemicals needed to muster an erection.

It supplies the natural vital nutrients and chemicals your body needs to regain its youthful functionality.

..Which then spread throughout our bodies depositing the naturally occurring chemicals wherever, and whenever, they are needed!

Men Revive Herbal Tea is able to completely cure the problem of weakness and fatigue at the source, (where the difficulty began in the first place)

And naturally, put an end to any and all forms of sexual dysfunction…

More Reviews About What Our Customers Are Saying!

Mr Adamu
Mr Adamu
Taraba State
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“Excellent result is all I can say! Take it or leave it, Men Revive & Total Flusher worked better than anything I tried in the past and trust me I’ve tried a lot of junks out there because this is a 8 years plus problem! I highly recommend Men Revive and Total Flusher.”
Mr. Kelvin
Mr. Kelvin
Onitsha, Anambra State
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"I was full of doubts when I came across Men Revive and Total Flusher, I decided to give it a short and it worked like magic! Now I get harder erections beyond my wife's imagination…Thanks for this effective products"
Mr. Joseph
Mr. Joseph
Benin, Edo State
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“Men Revive Herbal Tea works wonders! It helped me boost my confidence in the inner room. If I can be cured after all these years of going through hell due to this issue, anyone can also be cure. You need to try Men Revive and Total Flusher if you’ve tried a lot of products and all has failed to cure your problem.”

How Do You Combine These Two Products To Get The Best Result

For the first 3days, You are expected to use Total Flusher for the first 2 weeks cleanse your body using Total Flusher

For the first 2 weeks, you are expected to cleanse your body using Total Flusher

This Total flusher will clear out all the chemicals, infections, toxins, and free radicals that have been built up in your body for years.

After the first 2 weeks of using the Total Flusher, you will notice that your body is freer, waist pain will disappear, and you will feel healthier.

Then starting from the end of the 2 week, you can start using the Men Revive Herbal Tea ( Which should be on 15th day ).

The Men Revive, will further strengthen your erection, increase your sexual urge, and give you more stamina to go for as many rounds as possible.

Putting a permanent end to the weak erection problem forever because you have taken out the main cause of the problem.

Please We Plead with you in the Name of Your Creator and the God You Serve, If You Did Not Have The Money For the Product. Please don’t Place an Order Or You are not ready to receive within the next 2 working days. If you want our Phone Number, its at the Bottom of this Page. Thanks

See What People Are Saying About This Product

Please We Plead with you in the Name of Your Creator and the God You Serve, If You Did Not Have The Money For the Product. Please don’t Place an Order Or You are not ready to receive within the next 2 working days. If you want our Phone Number, its at the Bottom of this Page. Thanks

Why This Product is Great.

Here’s Why Men Revive & Total Flusher Herbal Formula Is Good For You. / 


Unlike other similar products that are made with harmful chemicals, this product is made from natural herbs such as Cnestis ferruginea, Epimedium, carpology, nettle, and many more

With its powerful mixture of over 10 carefully selected herbs, each of which was carefully selected in order to make sure they contribute to supporting your body’s normal erectile functions.

Research has shown that these herbs when combined together in the right quantities, have the ability to sustain healthy erectile function.


This product is made here in Nigeria, in our Approved and GMP-certified facility, under extremely sterile, strict, and precise conditions and all herbs are non-GMO.


They do not contain any stimulants or toxins that are harmful to the body and they are not a habit or tolerance forming.

All the ingredients are made from God-given Natural herbs that boost the body and help increase sexual performance.


This product offers a permanent solution and not temporary because it tackles erection issues from the very root.

Other similar products out there will continue to drain your money every month, but when you buy this product, it solves all the problems once and for all.


Please We Plead with you in the Name of Your Creator and the God You Serve, If You Did Not Have The Money For the Product. Please don’t Place an Order Or You are not ready to receive within the next 2 working days. If you want our Phone Number, its at the Bottom of this Page. Thanks

Which Package Should You Buy?

If You started Having The symptoms of ED within 6 Month
The recommended Package 1 Pack of Men Revive Herbal Tea

If You’ve Been Having The symptoms of ED Between 6 Month To 1 Year 6 Months
The recommended Package 1 Pack of Total Flusher and 1 Pack of Men Revive Herbal Tea

If You’ve Been Having The symptoms of ED Between 1 Year 6 Month To 3 Year
The recommended Package 1 Pack of Total Flusher and 2 Pack of Men Revive Herbal Tea

If You’ve Been Having The symptoms of ED Between 3 Year To 5 Year
The recommended Package 1 Pack of Total Flusher and 3 Pack of Men Revive Herbal Tea

If The symptoms of ED is Above 5 Years
The Minimum Recommended Package is 2 Pack of Total Flusher and 4 Pack of Men Revive Herbal Tea.

If you did not have the financial capacity to Purchase this package you can start with 1 pack of Total Flusher and 1 Pack of Men Revive Herbal Tea for start.

But You Can Take Advantage Of Our 24hrs DISCOUNT And Save Over 50%..

If you order before the countdown timer, you can get Zero:


How Much Does It Cost?

1 Pack of Total Flusher is #35,000 Formerly #45,000

1 Pack of Men Revive is #35,000 Formerly #45,000

1 Pack of Total Flusher + 1 Pack of Men Revive is Now #35,000 Formerly #70,000

1 Pack of Total Flusher + 2 Pack of Men Revive is Now #50,000 Formerly #100,000

1 Pack of Total Flusher + 3 Pack of Men Revive (When You Buy This Package You get 1 Free Additional Total Flusher ) This Package is Now #70,500 Formerly #140,000

2 Pack of Total Flusher + 4 Pack of Men Revive (When You Buy This Package You get 1 Free Additional Men Revive ) This Package is Now #99,500 Formerly #200,000

Please Note: We only have Limited Stock Left, Because of of the Herbs used In Production are only Found During Dry Season. Its First Come First Serve. Thanks

Please We Plead with you in the Name of Your Creator and the God You Serve, If You Did Not Have The Money For the Product. Please don’t Place an Order Or You are not ready to receive within the next 2 working days. If you want our Phone Number, its at the Bottom of this Page. Thanks

It is a REVERSAL supplement NOT a magical supplement!

Therefore it is advisable that you get the complete treatment plan like I did, As Recommended Above In The Package Section.

So that the supplement will totally reverse your weak Erection and quick ejaculation problem.

You know yourself everything I’ve shown you is true.

I’ve decided to make this offer available to only those who have read this far…

I believe this supply is going to run out pretty fast because It still sold out fast no matter how much I ordered before.

When this supply gets sold out and you visit this page afterward…

You’ll find a big “SOLD OUT” at the top of this page.

It means you won’t be able to get a pack of The Men Revive & Total Flusher even if you’re willing to pay any amount for it.

And you’ll continue to live under the threat of…

I don’t know how long this supply will be available but I’m sure it won’t be available for long because current users are still buying in bulk.

Here’s how you can take advantage of today’s offer even further…


Please Do Not Place an Order If You Won’t be able to receive your product within the next 2 working days.

Please Note:

Cases Like: I don’t have money, I travelled, my friend order with my number and many other unreasonable excuses are heart-breaking and unfair. We use money to send the product to you and we also pay the delivery person either you receive it or not.

…And if you won’t be around at the given address, kindly give the money to someone to collect it on your behalf .

If you are not financially ready, don’t bother ordering. You can just save our number (09137595975) so once the money is ready, you can order then .

Do not order if you did not understand this article (read over again) Do not order for someone, Let them order themself.

If you have any verification to do or you want to ask your doctor kindly do so before you place order.


Please enter your correct information below…


The herbs used for these products have been carefully selected by herbal experts and have been proven over time to cure any form of erection issues.

We are so confident about the potency of these products that is why we offer a money-back guarantee.

If you use these products, you have 14days to try out the Men Revive Herbal Tea, if after 14days you didn’t see the promised result, then you get your money back.

Moreover, we have gotten thousands of reviews from other men who have used this product.

They are not just happy with the result, they are sobbing with joy because these products have saved their marriages

Ask Yourself This Question:

Imagine yourself getting this product today, and in a few weeks from now, you start getting a Good erection and an increase in your stamina.

And when you make love to your woman, it becomes much better than for months, and she noticed it too.

And as you continue with this product, you’ll be able to get even harder and last more than 45 minutes in bed.

Best of all, all of the ingredients are completely natural and you’ll never have to swallow any pill 45 minutes before jumping into bed!

Your partner will immediately feel your stiff erection and new width. You will hear her moan with pleasure as soon as you enter her.

And it’s a delicious feeling when you stay erect for 30 minutes non-stop and make her cum several times.

She will become attached and addicted to you and only you.

I trust you to use your new sexual potency responsibly because your new confidence will start attracting other women to you, especially the younger ones.

You are about to say goodbye to sexual breakdowns, your lack of desire, and feelings of low confidence.

When I myself suffered from erection problems, my confidence, my relationship, and even my social life were not going very well.

I felt like there was no solution and no one could help me.

You can put yourself at ease now because these erectile problems are going to be a thing of the past with these sets of products.


Product Did Not Disappoint

I'm Glad I Bought This Product

Mr. Charles
Abuja, FCT
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"This product has been a blessing to our marriage. My husband used to last only about 2 minutes, After trying several other products, we found Men Revive Herbal tea & Total Flusher to be the best product that we have ever tried. I am so glad that my husband and I are enjoying ourselves now. Sometimes i cant even keep up with him anymore. He now has so much energy and Good Erection."
Akure, Ondo State
Read More
For 7 years+ I was unable to carry out my 0ther R00m duties and this continually broke my heart and tore me apart. Every day my wife would complain about my inability to perform and even threatened to abandon me. 0ne night as I was browsing through the internet I came across this “Men Revive & Total Flusher Natural Remedy” , I placed an order for it and got my delivery. Before I even finished the treatment I was already noticing the wonders, I can now fire madam and my machine gun is also Full, Firm and Stronger. God bless the makers of this product.

For More Information, Chat / Calls us on 09137595975

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